Monday, 4 May 2009

henna tattoos

These are photos of my Henna (INAI) work.I have a stall concession with Lyme Regis Town Council at Lyme Bay sea front every spring and summer.I also do other body art using body paint,applied using brush or airbrush.Last 3 yrs I am only concentrating on henna. Apart from Lyme Bay I do Festivals around Dorset and Devon.


  1. London Ink is nowhere compared to this.keep it up bro..

  2. Jin, aku ingat ngko boleh cari makn dgn fotografi lah..
    Jin, wiil you link '' in your blog list, and I will link 'jinukphotoblog' at 'piquant'.. we are networking man...thanks bro

  3. lenon working on it,,i have many more photos of my henna work insyallah time to time will upload,, I love photography sejak aku budak2 lagi first camera FUJICA 110,, umur aku baru 11 tahun masa tu,,lama aku simpan duit nak beli,,pas tu i become official photographer for my family!!!masa ITM dungun aku pakai NIKON F1,then Olympus Pen then Yashica F3 kat shah alam,Now Nikon Cool Pix digicam,,

  4. JIN..! nanti ko boleh tolong watkan aku tatoo kat pangkal peha lehhh.EMBOSE.for in house only...!!..good work jin..!..Etchingg aku tak nak..?

  5. laa kalau tattoo di tengkok,tak bayaq pung takpa jin oi,nantilah aku ajak mae waris buat main kutu p mlawat hang

  6. oiii mie mana lama dok napok??? welke to blog kawe,,mugo demo enjoy tgk gamba,, blog hang awat satu posting ja,,ooohhh demo nih,,bubuh la gambo painting demo ko gamba gepren ko,,ni gambo rambute,,timokasih mie ikut blog kawe hok dok sebrapo ni,,,

  7. haii..besor dugaan kamu Yeop dok nengok kulit deme yang putih selepuk tapi penuh jeragat....hehehe

  8. Mane mung ? dok napok hagi ning..

  9. macang aku dok kabo mu...
    akhirat nanti semua hok burung, sicak, naga, ulor idup belaka, dok soaa mu.
    gapo mu buak lagu tu....? eeeee takuzt...
    ya Allah ya Tuhan ku
    selamatkanlah Jin yg satu nih!

    kompo pitih kite memorex ngan bree.

